Studio Application

OUTPOST studios is an artist-run studio complex, based in Norwich, committed to providing affordable spaces for contemporary art practitioners in the eastern region. Since its founding in 2010, OUTPOST studios has established itself as one of the largest studio providers for artistic activity in the East of England. OUTPOST studios are based in Gildengate House, Anglia Square, where it is currently occupied by more than 80 artists.


To apply for a studio at OUTPOST please fill out the form below and support your application with a selection of documentation and an artist CV via a WeTransfer link.

Accepted materials include:

Text and Images - .pdf

Audio - .mp3 / .wav (maximum 5 minutes duration)

Video - .mov / .mp4 / .avi (maximum 5 minutes duration).

Please note: Currently, OUTPOST Studios has an expected waiting list of at least 1 year. If an application is submitted it can take up to 3 months for your application to be reviewed by the committee, if you have not heard back within this time your application has not been successful.

For all enquiries regarding OUTPOST studios please contact


Please note: we are not able to consider applications from individuals under the age of 18, those who are in formal education who have access to a studio space provided by their educator/institution and artists expressing interest to use the space as business premises. We cannot host on-site sales.